Improve study efficiency while reducing patient burden with Alpha Clinical Systems ez-PRO/COA solution. Capture patient data from any location for real-time access and improved timelines, adherence and engagement.


  • Access real-time, remote patient data. Alpha Clinical Systems ez-PRO/COA delivers real-time access to subject data captured remotely via mobile or wearable device. Seamlessly integrated with the ACS360 platform to maximize data quality with real-time responses—captured anytime, anywhere.
  • Minimize development costs, maximize efficiency. Drive study efficiency by simplifying the process of capturing and submitting patient data. Use ez-PRO/COA as preconfigured hardware or a simple download on personal iOS or Android device to improve trial efficiency while reducing patient attrition.
  • Improve patient engagement, adherence & safety. Send alerts, visit schedules and medication reminders directly to patients for improved engagement and adherence. Schedule helpful email or text message reminders to boost timely compliance, safety and minimize attrition

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